Need For New Temple


A small group of likeminded families who follow Sanatana Dharma got together to discuss the idea
of a Hindu place of worship and celebrating events closer to home in early 2009. With the strong
support from our community, the idea to start the temple at 3325 Long Prairie Road, Flower
Mound, TX 75022 was set in motion around August 2009. 

For the past 8+ years Flower Mound Hindu Temple has been celebrating all important religious
events, also offering religious and language (Hindi, Tamil & Telugu) classes at temple premises.
In the last 3 to 4 years there has been a significant growth in the population of Sanatana Dharma
followers in Flower Mound and surrounding areas. Due to this, our current facility proved
inadequate during all major events. Also, there were quite a few requests from the community for
yoga classes, religious seminars, senior center activities etc. To accommodate growing needs, a
new permanent temple building is much needed. 



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Donations can be made using Zelle by sending payment to

For Paypal donations, please click donate  


Mon, Tue  9:30- 12:30 PM
                5:30- 8:30 PM
Wed         6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Thu, Fri    9:30- 12:30 PM
                5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Sat, Sun   9:30- 1:30 PM
                4:30 PM - 8:30 PM


Timings are subject to change without prior notice.  Temple may be closed if priest is unavailable for any reason and there is no volunteer coverage during priest's absence. Thank you for understanding.